An introduction to the popular N95 mask and its efficacy
A N95 mask is a widely-used, short-term name for a full-face particulate air pollutant mask, which is a protective gas filtering face mask used by millions of workers worldwide. Like all protective equipment, N95s are designed to protect employees from breathing in dangerous dust, fumes, and other harmful particles that are present in large quantities in the workplace. Because these materials leave workers with less lung capacity and/or increased vulnerability to disease, N95s are required in many workplaces. OSHA requires the use of N95s in its construction sites and mines. A N95 face mask is another type of protective gear meant to protect you from dangerous viruses, bacteria, and airborne allergens. Like all other N95 face masks, a N95 face mask is made out of durable, industrial-strength fabric. This heavy-duty fabric is combined with polymers, resins, and vapor retardants that work to block irritants, allergens, and vapors from entering the respiratory system, while providi...